The 30th real,- BERLIN-MARATHON, which will finish at the Brandenburg Gate,
will take place on September 27-28, 2003. The organisers from SCC-RUNNING have
set the limit for this spectacular anniversary year marathon to 35,000 runners.
With over 34,000 participants from over 80 countries already registered, this
limit has almost been met--already surpassing last years record total of

There are only 925 spots still open.
Based on last years experiences, after this announcement the marathon could
be “sold out“ within a week. Whoever still wants to run in Berlin
on September 28th should hurry--and register online, if possible. When the
limit has been met, the online registration will be closed immediately.
For the inline skating race on Saturday, September 27, the day before, there
are still sufficient race numbers available before the limit of 12,000 is
reached. Last years total of 8,369 inline skaters has already been surpassed.
The Berlin race on September 27, 2003 is thus the largest skating marathon in
the world.

Further details are available at