On Sunday, September 28, 2003, at 9:00 a.m., the director of the world-famous
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Sir Simon Rattle, will send the 35,000
participants from over 80 countries off running in the 30th real,-
BERLIN-MARATHON. Sir Simon will make the starting shot of the spectacular
anniversary marathon on the boulevard “Straße des 17. Juni“
– together with the mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit. “The
BERLIN-MARATHON and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra are beacons of this city,
famous worldwide, and together they can improve and strengthen the image of the
city around the world. Music and marathons are similar. You can only gain
access through much training and discipline, it cannot be given to you or
bought by you–which makes your own achievement even more satisfying when
you reach your goal ... at the Brandenburg Gate“. On the initiative of
Sir Simon and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, there are numerous youth
projects that are introducing children and youth to classical music and
inspiring them in their own creative projects. This happened most recently in
the Philharmonics with a circus and puppet theatre festival to Igor
Stravinsky’s “Petrushka”. In January there was a large dance
project in the Arena Treptow with pupils performing to Stravinsky’s
“Sacre du printemps“.

Marathon runners also have a little catching up to do when it comes to
classical music. In a representative survey at the last Berlin HALF MARATHON by
SCC-RUNNING in April, Samba music led with 73%, ahead of rock (42%) and pop
(36%). Classical music received 6%, but was still ahead of traditional folk
Members and staff of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra have long
participated in the BERLIN-MARATHON. Christoph Hartmann, solo Oboist, is the
sporty “figurehead“ of the Philharmonic Orchestra. He has been
participating since 1997 and runs great times again and again. Like clockwork,
he runs about a 2:45:00, regularly finishing among the top 300. The real,-
BERLIN MARATHON has cooperated with the Philharmonic Orchestra often in the
past few years. There is a tradition of musical “LONG DISTANCE
RACES” in the Kammermusiksaal (Chamber Music Hall) of the

This year there was a Haydn MARATHON, and in the previous years there were
music MARATHONS dedicated to Beethoven, Mendelssohn/Schumann, Schubert, Brahms,
and Mozart. The internet site of the real,- BERLIN MARATHON promoted the music
MARAHONS, and the Philharmonic Orchestra directed the attention of the friends
of music to the athletic marathon -- this year with a starting photo of the
real,- BERLIN-MARATHON together with a portrait of the composer Joseph Haydn.
For years there has been a traditional “literary marathon“ and a
“music marathon“ on the marathon weekend.
Over the 42,195 km course, about 60 bands, combos, and orchestras of all
kinds, primarily jazz, however, motivate the runners and many spectators. That
is what makes the extraordinary ambience of the marathon in Berlin. It is not
by chance that the course runs past the Philharmonics, past the
“Konzerthaus“ (German Symphonic Orchestra) at the Gendarmenmarkt,
by the “Staatsoper Unter den Linden“ (State Kapella) and past the
back of the “Komischen Oper“ (Comical Opera). The real,-
BERLIN-MARATHON now especially emphasises the “classical mile“ of
the musical metropolis Berlin: ensembles will be playing classical music here
for the enjoyment of both spectators and participants.

“Music and running are not luxuries, but basic needs, which through
their indispensable energy should enrich the lives of every person“,
according to Sir Simon, who will be directing 3 extra concerts with Cecilia
Bartoli on the weekend of the marathon in the Philharmonics. “Not only
the Philharmonic Orchestra is forging new pathways; in this anniversary year we
are also taking our marathon new ways – a new course and new finish. But
the 42,195 km will remain the same, an indispensable basis, just as is the
motivating euphony and rhythm of the music,“ says Race Director Horst
Milde, who is looking forward to the marathon Sunday with Sir Simon.
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