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2015 BMW BERLIN MARATHON: Registration for the entry drawing will take place from 18 October until 2 November 2014

How it works:
The only “fair” way to accommodate the overwhelming interest in the race both nationally and internationally is to have an entry drawing. Everyone then has the same chance at a starting spot when there is a longer timeframe to register. The limit of participants remains at 40,000.

This time the registration will be more complete, including the submission of one’s address and bank data. If a name is drawn, the participant is “in”. The medical questionnaire (PAPS Test) must be filled out afterwards. The personal data will be deleted for everyone who is not selected in the drawing (exept for those who registered for the Newsletter). Payment will only be processed for those who have been selected.

The results of the drawing will be announced between November 20-25, 2014.

The registration fee remains at 98€.

Tour Operators and Charity Partners
As in the past, both German and international tour operators will be offering race spots as part of a travel package (e.g. with hotel and/or travel). In addition, a contingency of race spots will be reserved for select charity partners under the motto: “Running for a good cause”. In April 2015, an additional 1,000 charity race spots will be available for a separate charity action.

Jubilee Club
All runners in the Jubilee Club – those who have finished the BERLIN MARATHON at least 10 times  – do not need to register for the entry drawing. They will receive a special email at the end of December 2014 explaining the registration process.

Fast Runners
Anyone who finished an AIMS*-certified marathon in the last two years (2013/2014) under a specified time and can prove it with a list of results or race certificate qualifies to receive a starting spot and does not have to register for the entry drawing.

Male Runners:
Under 2:45 hours
Age 45 and up: under 2:55 hours

Female runners:
Under 3:00 hours
Age 45 and up: under 3:20 hours

 The entry drawing procedure does not apply to wheelchair athletes, hand cyclists or skaters.


*AIMS Association of Marathon and Distance Races. Founded in the early 1980s, membership in this international organisation guarantees that the courses are measured accurately. The IAAF also uses the measuring procedure that AIMS standardised to measure its road races.



