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Get social online: Join the #BMcommunity Meet-Up


You will share an unforgettable experience when racing the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON this September. You, that’s one of 45,000 from one of 130 different nations located all over the globe. Working on your ideal race performance, you might have to overcome struggles, deal with concerns, or might be filled with joy when finding a solution or reaching a new goal. When you think about it, there’s probably a few among those 45,000 experiencing or having come across just the same RIGHT NOW. One that could help you, one that shares your feelings, one that could push you even further just by giving you a thumbs-up.

That is why we are hosting an online meet-up of the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON Community on Twitter and Facebook. There’s heaps of room in virtual space to discuss your joys, successes, concerns and struggles, limited only by time. The weekly meet-up is scheduled for Tuesday, 6 to 7 p.m. (CEST) and starts with our kick-off tweet and post including #BMcommunity. Search for the hashtag and respond by including #BMcommunity in your Tweets and targeting them to @berlinmarathonE. On Facebook, you may use the comments to respond. To jump into the conversation at a later time, check for the post on our facebook profile or do a twitter search for #BMcommunity. Then, the procedure as described above has to be followed.

We are looking forward to get inspiring insights on what is on each other’s mind. So, get your computer, smartphone and tablet ready on Tuesdays, and share your thoughts: get, provide advice and benefit from the experience of the large #BMcommunity.

Here are some links to get you going:

Our Facebook profile

English Twitter profile

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