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Gudrun Doll-Tepper re-elected as ICSSPE President

The Berlin sport scientist, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Doll-Tepper, was today re-elected

as leader of the worlds largest sport and sport science organisation.

The election took place this morning during the General Assembly of the

International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) in

Thessaloniki, Greece. This result ensures that one of the few headquarters of

international sport and sport science organisations will remain in Berlin for

the next 4 years.

"I am very pleased with the confidence that has been shown for me. In

the past years we have managed to bring together the key international sport

science players, many large sport federations and respected sport institutes

from all continents. An important future task within ICSSPE is to develop

mutual understanding between member organisations.

In addition the organisation is already planning activities for the

2005 International Year for Sport and Physical Education", Gudrun

Doll-Tepper explained after the election. "Not only will ICSSPE focus on

themes of sport for all, physical education and elite sport but also on the

problem of non-communicable diseases as a consequence of physical


To support Prof. Dr. Doll-Tepper, Vice-Presidents Prof. Dr. Margaret Talbot

from Great Britain, Prof. Dr. Anthony Parker from Australia and Prof. Dr. Colin

Higgs from Canada were also re-elected to their positions.

Garnet Starke

International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education


Hanns-Braun-Strasse, Friesenhaus II

14053 Berlin


Tel.: +49 30 36 41 88 50

Fax: +49 30 805 63 86



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