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The State of the Sport - July 2004

The following is a release of the already published report on "The

State of the Sport - July 2004". This article was originally published in

"USATF Road Running Information Center", a subdivision of the US

Track & Field Federation.

With explicit permission from Ryan Lamppa (Running USA Media Director),

the real,- BERLIN MARATHON has been allowed to re-publish this article. The

collection of data, facts, findings, and perspectives is exemplary for runners,

running organisations, as well as for trade and industry. Quite contrary to the

German Athletics Association, where there is no such working group that deals

with the important topics of the development of running and athletics in

Germany, we are especially thankful to the editors for their allowance to

publish this report here.

The development in the USA – in almost all areas – is often

trendsetting for Europe. That makes this report quite interesting for anyone

who would like to see what direction lies ahead.

The interesting connections and findings do not necessitate any

commentary, but they should make anyone interested in the further development

of the sport of running stop and think—whether runners or organisers, and

maybe even someone from the responsible association will find time to look at

the report.

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Horst Milde


