

You can look forward to an atmospheric race on inline skates, even though we have had to adapt the route in consultation with the authorities this year. We are grateful to be able to present you an alternative with its very own appeal. The new route scores with a stadium atmosphere, cheering points and live music. Spectators can follow the race up close and cheer you on several times. Even if new best times are not the focus this year, the inline marathon promises particularly intense anniversary moments.

The start will be at 12:20 pm on 28 September. At the usual location on Straße des 17. From there, the skaters will set off on a five-lap circuit that will take them across Ernst-Reuter-Platz and Otto-Suhr-Allee towards Charlottenburg Palace. After a u-turn, the route heads back to the "Goldelse" - as Berliners call the Victory Column. From here, after five laps, the course leads to the grand finale along the familiar route section along the Landwehr Canal,
Potsdamer Platz, Gendarmenmarkt and Unter den Linden. And that means pure goosebumps as you ride through the Brandenburg Gate onto the home straight.